Бананы на Березах Сергей Голиков слушать аудиокнигу онлайн бесплатно
- Жанр: Романы и проза
- Слушали: 0
- Автор: Сергей Голиков
- Длительность аудиокниги: 20:01
- Озвучил: Сергей Голиков
"Bananas on Birch Trees". A tale from the series "Grandpa Zakhar's Stories".
Dedicated to All Village Elders!
Meet Grandpa Zakhar -
a sage of the fields. A life spent in toils and cares!
The bitter truth of life - no other truth exists for him.
"I've lived a long time. Seen many things. I enjoy listening, but I can also spin a tale myself."
Well, here Grandpa Zakhar, I think, was stretching the truth - he loves to talk, loves it when people listen to him.
He invents and concocts stories. He twists others to suit his narrative and express his views.
Бананы на Березах Сергей Голиков слушать аудиокнигу онлайн бесплатно: