
Воплощение жестокости Роман Незнаю слушать аудиокнигу онлайн бесплатно

Воплощение жестокости Роман Незнаю слушать аудиокнигу онлайн бесплатно

  • Жанр: Ужасы и мистика
  • Слушали: 1
  • Автор: Роман Незнаю
  • Длительность аудиокниги: 01:05:58
  • Озвучил: Игорь Мурашко
"Collection of short horror stories by Roman Neznayu. WARNING! NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED AND SENSITIVE LISTENERS! Roman Neznayu - HUNGER As it was said in the Bible: four horsemen will come to punish people, and they came... A brief sketch from a world where the apocalypse has arrived. Roman Neznayu - THE MAN IN THE WINDOW The picture depicted a house, but it wasn't the house that alarmed me; it was the dark silhouette of a man peering out of the window of that drawn house. Despite the poor detailing, I still felt a certain fear towards this dark figure. In his clenched hand, I managed to discern the blade of a knife. Roman Neznayu - LILITH'S CASTLE My name is Randolph Cartner, and now I know for sure that evil exists. It lives in Lord Barron's castle. That same madman who worshipped the forces of darkness. Roman Neznayu - SATAN'S DAUGHTER The woman's naked body was covered with deep scars and cuts; some scars were fresh, still oozing blood. In her eyes, a mixed expression of madness and lust froze... Roman Neznayu - MEETING AT THE CEMETERY His brain literally exploded when he saw her in the crowd. Her appearance embodied all the female images of Edgar Allan Poe, which he had once described in ink on sheets of paper, surrendering to opium intoxication. Roman Neznayu - DINOSAUR T-REX Jacob didn't want to come to Louisiana to his parents' house, but the situation demanded action. The question was: hide or be killed by the hands of the Russian mafia... Roman Neznayu - THE POET I remember entering her apartment on the seventh floor with the intention of making love. But it only got as far as foreplay because when I started unzipping my pants, this girl approached the window, opened it wide, and flew out into the night... Roman Neznayu - JEROME My name is Michael Calligan. I am thirty-five years old, and a born seducer. I love women, especially beautiful women. And I know how to get them. Roman Neznayu - MARY A miniature for those with a strong stomach. Mary, dreaming of children, endures a series of horrific losses, but ultimately finds her terrifying happiness in the end..."

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