
Литургия смерти и современная культура Александр Шмеман слушать аудиокнигу онлайн бесплатно

Литургия смерти и современная культура Александр Шмеман слушать аудиокнигу онлайн бесплатно

  • Жанр: Религия
  • Слушали: 1
  • Автор: Александр Шмеман
  • Длительность аудиокниги: 05:06:11
  • Озвучил: Ирина Ерисанова
"Death Liturgy and Contemporary Culture" — a brief book by Alexander Schmemann (transcript of four lectures) on the paramount aspect in Christianity — triumph over death. "What does this mean for us — those who will inevitably die?" poses the primary question by Father Alexander. However, it is not the sole one. Father Alexander Schmemann articulates in "The Liturgy of Death" profoundly significant thoughts on the interconnection between Christianity and secularism (the latter part of Schmemann's book title being "contemporary culture"). "Consumerism exists solely within Christianity," he asserts, a precise yet regrettably undeveloped observation. Secularism is a product of the Christian world. The secular attitude towards death is one of dismissal: "we will not notice it; it is meaningless." How could a world nurtured on "Christ is risen from the dead" arrive at such an understanding? Christianity, the religion of the resurrection of the dead and hope for the future age, at a certain point, seemed to have "forgotten" its eschatological dimension. The "triumph over death," the anticipation of the Kingdom has somewhat been removed from real life. As with most of his works, Father Alexander primarily bases his arguments on liturgical material, in this case, drawing from the rich liturgical tradition crafted by the Church around the theme of death.

Литургия смерти и современная культура Александр Шмеман слушать аудиокнигу онлайн бесплатно:


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